Teacher entry
My initial thoughts on finding out that I would be the ALiM teacher.
I am of course very nervous about undertaking such an important job. I will be released from my year one classroom for 45 minutes four days a week, within that time I will withdraw two groups of four Year 6 students with the specific goal of explicit, targeted teaching to ensure that they meet the national standard in mathematics by the end of the year where they may not have previously.
After speaking with other teachers and senior management who know more about ALiM (and spending some time with google) I came to realise what an incredible opportunity this is for my own professional development, for our school, the students involved and their families.
I am preparing myself for the teaching and learning by starting with an inquiry question. I will share this in a post soon. Please follow our journey.
Accelerated Learning in Mathematics (ALiM). You can read more about it here;
I can't wait to see how this develops - very exciting and I love the idea of blogging the learning journey with teacher AND student entries!